April 11th is the Initial Plant Date for Sugar beets in most areas of the Red River Valley, if you chose to plant prior to that date, you sacrifice the replant coverage of $110/ac that is included in your multi-peril on the early planted acres.


Qualifications for Replanting Payment:

*You are only allowed one replant payment per acre each year*

  1. Sugar Beets must be damaged due to an insurable cause

  2. AIP must determine it is practical to replant and give consent

  3. Acres being replanted must have been initially planted on or after the “Earliest Planting” date

  4. Per acre appraisal must be less than 90% of the final stage production guarantee for the acreage the insured intends to replant

  5. Acreage replanted must be at least the lesser of 20 acres or 20 percent of the insured planted acreage for the unit as determined on the Final Plant Date or within the Late Plant Period. (Any acreage planted after the end of the Late Plant Period will not be included when determining if the 20/20 qualification is met.)

Additional coverage available to compliment

Wind/Freeze/Crust Coverage: AgriSompo and RCIS

Application Deadline: April 1st 2025

Contact Agent for rates and limits per acre as well as coverage dates.


Replant Coverage (Sugar beets Specific): AgriSompo, RCIS and Great American

Application Deadline: March 15th 2025

Contact Agent for rates and limits per acre as well as coverage dates.


Please reach out to us with any questions you may have during the growing season, as we are here to help!