Aug 4, 2021
This year, the cash hail discount date was moved to 8/15/2021. This was a great chance to allow some small grains to be harvested and still take advantage of the 5% cash discount. We are working on getting out the final binders and hail billings this week. If you have already received your binder, your…
Jul 19, 2021
We are starting to see some small grains swathed, along with some combines starting to move in Richland County. This year blessed us with some great planting conditions, but now we are facing some dire situations for lack of rain or none at all. This is widespread from northern Minnesota all the way to southwest…
Jun 17, 2021
Rain, Rain Come Today! Across our growing region we have a full range of crop conditions, but one common thread is that everyone would take some water today. Our forecaster had predicted a dryer and hotter than normal crop season (whatever normal is) and it looks to be coming true for the most part. FSA…
Jun 11, 2021
USDA Announces Payment of Second Half of 2019 WHIP Plus Payments, Quality Loss Assistance Program — More than $1 billion in payments will be released over the next several weeks, starting June 15, for agricultural producers with approved applications for the Quality Loss Adjustment (QLA) Program and for producers who have already received payments through the…
Jun 3, 2021
USDA announced on June 1st a new initiative to reward the planting and certification of cover crops through RMA’s Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP). All the information (press release, FAQs, Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA – the legal documentation)) are available at this link: Even with this information, there are a lot of questions. Heritage…
May 21, 2021
I am sure by now we have all noticed higher prices at the grocery store, gas pumps, as well as everything else. Lumber, steel, insulation, and building supplies in general are not immune to this period of rapid inflation. Inflation always follows periods of prosperity or in this case rapid infusion of money, essentially watering…
May 19, 2021
Quite a few insureds have been asking about the timing of the 2nd half of WHIP being paid. Here is what we know as of today. WHIP has paid out approximately 211 million in the state of North Dakota for the years 2018 and 2019. The 2019 crop year was plagued with quality issues…