Oct 14, 2020

2019 ARC Co Data for ND

Oct 14, 2020

What a difference in harvest conditions from last year to this year!  With any luck harvest will be completed in October this year, vs June!  We have a wide swath and varying degrees of bushels and conditions, but the weather has been extremely cooperative to date. Over the last year our office staff performed 576…

Sep 28, 2020

For those of you who were unable to tune into the Zoom Meeting last week, below is the link to view the slideshow.   Program Overview

Sep 3, 2020

Across the state we are seeing the final push for wheat and barley, pre-lift of sugar beets, some soybeans in the SE being taken off, and soon to be edible beans.   Preliminary Results: Barley – 85-125 bushels across the state Wheat – Reports of ergot in the west (30-55), average to slightly above average…

Aug 17, 2020

USDA Allows Some Farmers to Hay, Graze or Chop Cover Crops Early This Year WASHINGTON, August 17, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) today announced that this year farmers who planted cover crops on prevented plant acres in select counties in North and South Dakota will be permitted to…

Aug 10, 2020

The agency is entering its final week of acreage reporting.  To date, we have close to 100,000 acres of prevent plant keyed, verified, and paid.  Our team of adjusters from our partner AIP’s have been doing an outstanding job so far in getting claims worked and paid.  Although our reach is far, and different regions…

May 21, 2020

“I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman’s cares.” – John F. Kennedy For those of you that attended the February 7th crop update meeting in Fargo and stayed awake…

Apr 16, 2020

It was not that long ago when we talked about markets and selling grains, now the focus has been turned to programs.  The PPP administered through local banks and funded by SBA has some holes in it for farmers.  The first one is that it is based off of payroll and a lot of farmers…

Mar 27, 2020

 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” – Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities I hesitate to say that we’ve seen everything these last few years, but we must be getting close. Rising input costs, declining grain and livestock prices, trade wars, flooding, wet, wet, fall, still harvesting, and…

Mar 18, 2020

To Our Clients: We are in unprecedented and uncertain times. What remains constant is our commitment to the health and safety to our employees and customers. Given the rapidly changing environment due to the Coronavirus, we have decided to close our lobbies starting Thursday, March 19th. This temporary step is out of an abundance of…