Quality Issues for Small Grain

We have been fielding a lot of phone calls in the past 2 weeks on quality issues in smalls grains with the ongoing harvest.  The main issues we are seeing in wheat is low test weight, high VOM and falling numbers.  All of these issues have a loss chart that applies discounts depending on the…
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Harvest Price Tracking

Harvest prices for Wheat and Barley have been tracking since Aug 1.  There are 7 days of trading left before the final prices are set.  We will post a revenue price trigger chart once the prices are finalized.  This will help in figuring revenue losses verse just production losses.
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Emergency Flood Relief – Deferral of Interest Charges on Crop Insurance Premiums

Background Farmers and ranchers are struggling through widespread severe flooding and excess moisture conditions in many parts of the nation, causing catastrophic damage to crops. Concerns have been expressed about the requirement to pay crop insurance premiums timely to avoid accrual of interest because some farmers and ranchers will not yet have received their crop…
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